07/31/2011 11:42 AM
It seems to me I was obsessed
With Casey Anthony and the rest
At 2:15 the verdict was read
As the judge sat still and looked straight ahead
Not guilty of murder as accused by the State
The shock of the verdict turned quickly into hate
The lesson in all of this will soon be told
This case has many and some are quite bold
The jurors will be questioned on the decision they made
They must have known this being sequestered for almost 60 days
The right we’ve been given to have a jury of our peers
This right and this duty people have tried to get out of for years
So many have witnessed this family’s pain
Accusing each one of them on who’s to blame
The sadness that has consumed us on TV and internet
Makes me wonder about values and moral regret
We judge, we assume, we speculate
Who are we to determine someone else’s fate
The truth will be known this you must know
It’s not up to us…so move on let it go
Although I’ve admitted I was obsessed
Please take these lessons not simply in jest
Our Country has laws we must abide this is true
When accused of a crime I have rights so do you
Innocent until proven guilty has been lost along the way
Reasonable doubt…where’s the evidence…where is the justice today
Thirty-one days is hard to get out of my mind
Thirty-one seconds is pure panic if I could not find
A little girl with big brown eyes we must never forget
Her innocence, her laughter, she was buried like a pet
We all felt we knew her...we wanted justice for Caylee
Think of the lessons…think of them daily
I wish you all a Wonderful Wednesday with thoughts of justice for all and lessons to be learned. Just make a difference!