09/18/2011 10:26 AM
I’ve been working on felony suspensions and possible expulsions….ugh. It got me thinking about the time (the one time) I got in trouble in school. I just moved here. I was in 7th grade. My grandmother had returned from visiting her friends in New Jersey . She always bought us gifts back. I couldn’t wait to bring my new gift to school. I was in homeroom…there was this boy that everyone knew…he was a little mischievous…funny…and cute of course. I was proudly holding my new gift and he spotted it. He came up to me and asked if he could see it. Since I was new to the school and didn’t really know anyone I was a bit shy so when he spoke to me…well…I was elated. He passed my new gift around the room and everyone thought it was so cool...some even thought it was groovy. The teacher noticed the room getting louder and then realized something was being passed around. She wanted to know what it was. I was getting excited…I thought, “Now everyone is going to see it”…and smiled proudly as the boy handed it to the teacher. She looked at it…her eyebrows frowning…and wanted to know who it belonged to. I quickly raised my hand…she called me to the front of the class…and then marched me down to the principals office. I couldn’t believe it!! The principal wanted to know where I got it. I told him my grandmother. I think I saw him smile, but then he quickly put on that “you’re in trouble face” and I started to cry. He took my gift and told me that it was not allowed in school and sent me back to class. I didn’t really understand why I got in trouble. I told my grandmother and she was not very happy that the gift she gave me had been taken away. You see my grandmother’s last name was Hand so when she saw this really “cool” pencil with a hand on it she thought it was a great gift for her 11 year old granddaughter. I guess I grew up pretty naïve….the beautiful pencil she bought me with the hand on the top of it had the middle finger extended…ut oh…I really had no idea that was a bad thing…and obviously neither did she. I only wish kids were getting in trouble for that kind of thing. Times are a lot different now… I hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday. |