09/18/2011 10:43 AM
I complained this morning…yep…I caught myself…it’s funny when you catch yourself complaining on Wonderful Wednesday…right in mid sentence I gasped as I realized what I had done…I confessed immediately and then in order to make it o.k., and since my husband witnessed this event, I said, “I’m not complaining, I’m just stating a fact.”….hmmmm The grandkids are still here…. Every night this week my granddaughter, Lola, has decided that she wants to sleep with GiGi and Pops. Of course we are not going to say no as we are delighted to spend this precious time with her. So off we go to bed (when she tells us…which is much earlier than we are used to). It usually goes something like this: Make a fort out of the covers (Mitch and I put our legs up and she thinks she’s in a tent)… Story time (I make them up and totally get into character…she loves them)… We sing songs…I made up a version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star singing it in Rap…I think that’s now her favorite Talk about her day…I love to hear her thoughts… Then she gets tired and wants her mom….we kiss her goodnight and off she goes We are pooped!! Two nights ago she said something to me that I have not been able to get out of my mind…She said, “GiGi, when I grow up I want to be normal.” She’s only 4 and quite frankly I was surprised that she used the word normal…does she even know what it means? I didn’t question her…I just wondered how much she knew. Does she know what she has? How much does she understand? What is normal anyway?? Webster defines it as: (1) Conforming, adhering to, or constituting a typical or usual standard, pattern, level, or type. (2) Relating to or characterized by average intelligence or development. (3) Free from mental illness. (4) The expected or usual state, form, amount, or degree. I asked my husband what he thought normal was, he said, “Nothing is normal and that’s what makes life so interesting.” Today I wish all of you a Wonderful Wednesday and ask that you look beyond what you think might be normal…people we know are hurting, suffering, depressed, anxious, etc., and although they may appear to be “normal” on the outside…a smile on Wonderful Wednesday just might make a difference!! www.lolasgift.com |