Guest User
09/18/2011 02:57 PM

It's been challenging...

So many moments of frustration....

Questioning abilities and time....

So many stories…

The overwhelming feeling of dread...

I arrived at work...turned off my car...and sighed

When I shut the car door it hit me! Smile real big I thought!! Smile like a winner!! Not just a regular old little smile...but a winning smile. You know...the kind that takes up your whole face.
So I did...really big...and I held it. I kinda felt goofy. I began wondering how often people smile when there's no one smile for no reason. Not just a little smile...we all do that...I mean a full on smile...big full that your face hurts. Mine was hurting...I kept smiling, looking around, and talking to myself wondering if anyone saw me. I thought I must look silly...smiling that huge smile as if I had just won the lottery. Did my smile look fake? Do I look foolish? I looked to see if anyone else was getting out of their car...darting my eyes from side to side as if I was in some kind of an eye spy movie...I must have looked crazed. It made me felt good and I knew I must do this more...

My granddaughter smiles like that...her smile is as big as her face...I know she wouldn't think my “full on” smile was fake or foolish...she would probably think I was being silly...but when your four...silly is what it's all about.

I wish you all a Wonderful Wednesday full of thoughts of childlike silliness and smiles.

One smile at a time just might make a difference!

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