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09/18/2011 05:12 PM

It's not over...

The day started early. Dental appointment at 8:00. I really do like my dentist...even though this is my third time back for the same crown. The first appointment was for a temporary crown...the shot he gave me hit a felt like my lower jaw had been hit by lightning. Very painful. When I told him what I felt he told me that it is rare to hit a nerve...he said "it happens maybe once a year". Oh lucky me I thought. My face was numb all day from the top of my ears to the bottom of my chin and across my face. He tries to be funny and tells me that I am lucky and should play the lottery. I wanted to tell him that he was lucky I didn't hit him in the face (by accident of course).

So I go back for the permanent crown a couple of weeks later...I'm pretty scared of that shot now so I try to be brave and deny the shot...mistake!!! Here I go again...I ask him to please not hit a nerve. I joke and try to remain positive and avoid getting sick to my stomach. He likes to joke but he's really not that funny...he's always talking...of course I can't respond because my mouth is wide open...I think he likes that I can't talk back. Time to spit so I take advantage of the chance to talk and ask for a cocktail...I tell him I need one because he's really stressing me's 4:30...I figure he owes me from the last time. He thinks that's funny...he's ready to continue so I open my mouth again...he talks about silly stuff...maybe this is his technique to try to get me to relax...he puts the crown on...shoves in a piece of rolled up cotton for me to chomp on and tells me to close tightly. I sit there with my mouth clenched for maybe three minutes. Tap, tap, tap, then grind on that paper they always have (is it blue or red...I really should find out). Anyway, oooppssss...the crown, which is now glued in tight, has slipped while I was biting rather hardly on that piece of cotton. I look at him with terror in my what? He tells me, "this only happens a couple of times a year that the crown will slip"....really????

Another crown is ordered and today I end up back in that chair...same room...same view...same smell...I really am trying to make it fun...I tell him that this is my room and at least I like the view (it's on the water).

I explain to him that I am going to pretend that I am in Hawaii...on the beach...listening to the waves surfboard next to me (I don't surf but I like this image). I tell him that I really like him as a person but I am not enjoying his company. I prepare myself for the shot...I ask him to please not hit a nerve...he says he'll try...I take a deep my mouth real it comes...I forget to breath...

He hits a nerve again....not as bad...but still got the lightning bolt feeling...half strength this time. I've been numb all day...I'm glad it's over...

I hope you all have a Wonderful Wednesday with no complaints. I'm thankful for my imagination and the quote, "third times a charm"...

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